Product Care

From your kitchen garden to farm application, it deeply conditions the soil and enriching it with hummus and fulvic acid and can be used for all your gardening needs.

Ensure a healthy soil ecosystem by applying a fresh layer of mulch regularly and top up with compost or our Fermented Soil every 3 months for best results.


Fermented Soil

Morpheus OR Trifecta Compost: High Quality Biodynamic Fertilizer for All Your Gardening Needs.

For a Productive Kitchen Garden - use 2 bags of Morpheus or Trifecta COMPOST per 5 square meters by scratching it into the soil and watering it in. Then, cover it with mulch.

When Making New Beds for Planting - apply 3-4 bags per 5 square meters to deeply condition the soil. Incorporate it into the top 15cm and deep rip subsoil if possible wait 5-7 days beore planting.

For Compost Starter, generously sprinkle 1 bag per 1 cubic meter of home compost or 1 bag per 10 cubic meters of commercial compost.

For Farm Application, use 6-14 tons per acre.

Our Biodynamic Compost is rich in Hummus and Fulvic Acid, which are crucial to maintaining healthy soil. Mix it into the soil, mulch, and wait 5-7 days before planting.


Fermented Soil:

We ferment fresh batches in 2 week cycles, ensuring your soil is delivered warm and brimming with fresh, healthy biology. Plan ahead, so you can fill your beds and give them a deep watering to evenly distribute the nutrients.

Protect the soil's biology by applying a mulch layer of at least 5cm. Give the soil time to sync in for 5-7 days, and then top up with homemade compost or our Morpheus / Trifecta compost every 3 months.


Health Warning for all compost and soils: Please note that our product contains micro-organisms. Avoid breathing dust or mists, wear a particulate mask (AS/NZS 1715 & 1716), avoid contact with eyes and skin, wear gloves, and wash hands immediately after use. Keep out of reach of children.


Legal Disclaimer

Any recommendations provided Red Soil Organics, or its Distributors are advice only. As no control can be exercised over storage, handling, mixing, application or use, or weather, plant or soil conditions before, during or after application, no responsibility for, or liability for any failure in performance, losses, damages, or injuries (consequential or otherwise), arising from such storage, mixing, application, or use will be accepted under any circumstances whatsoever. The Buyer assumes all responsibility for the use of any RSO products.

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